Stamtavle/Pedigree litter born 29th of april ,9 puppies
bertrand og buble
Valper født
Puppies born,
Kull 2018 - 2019 /Litter 2018-2019
Valper født 10 mai.2017. 2 tisper og 2 hannhunder .I fawn/ 3 brune.Alle solgt.Alle sjekket hos veterinær 11.07.2017 uten anmerkning.
The parents .
Bori became champion at age of 2.1/2 years old . Hipscore A ,from litter of 5 boys and one female 12 years ago ,all still living. He is from Champion La-Faja's Octavia To T-BOB, a strong female ,kept the flock streight and the gentle sweet Nord Champion Batist .
Buble is from champion Brianna, strong not small female ,a head that some male's would like, proud tale ...hipscore A . The darkest brown eye , her mother Britney the Norwegian Way .Treacle our,proud champion, nordic and norwegian veteran winner from kennel Natterjack is her fahter and Buble's fahter is Max .Max is champion living at Artic wool and bred at farmenrens in Sweeden . He is to be grandfahter for the first time.
Buble is livly, steady and has a proud tail (some times to much) .
Enquiry welcome.