Merete l Nydal, Kalandsneset 14,5229 Kalandseid . (
Criticks from spesialshow in Svelvik 2017.judge Karen Edwards.
oo3 open youth Bertrand
20 mnd slight boy in between coats at the mom.lovel head/expr. good mouth /pigm, g.lenght in up.arm, would prefer a slight moore length of shoulder.Rib is deep and corr shape ,would pref a slight longer loin, corr hind ang/tailset ,mooves freely and would like more frontexsten.
very good.
0017 veteran Beren
8.1/2 y,blue trikolour,prefer a little more of him allover.and slightly more length,stronf head,eyse tones with coat.level bite,front-and hindquart are balanced, nice deep chest,with correct length, would prefer more length of back,high set tail,but a very happy boy
very good nr 4 veteran
0024 open youth female Billboa Line
20 mnd, pretty girl going through her coatchange,g head,strong pigm.eyes turn with coatcolour ,lovely reach of neck,very g up.arm,realy shaped rib.depth will come,g croup,well angled hind,quart,nice tailset ,g temp,moved well
very good
0025 open clas Beate
4 1/2 ,very nice outline,dark slate girl,lovely head and exsr.prefer darker eyes,nice reach of neck,g length of up.arm,g sternum, nice length of rib,short loin,well angul,rear low tailset ,moved well
excellent nr 2
Beate with 6 CAC still waiting for the internatinale CAC for title
Champion Beren as his first veteran international show
Bertrand open Youth 18 mnth
Now ready for his championtitle at 2 years of age
Bertrand BOB and BOG 1.Judge Nina Karlsdotter
Bertrand NKK kristiansand
So happy for his stady temprement ,
Beate kritikk NKK kristiansand
So happy for her stady calm and gentle temprement as mother to Bertrand And Baisen .
Baisen kritikk NKK Kristiansand
First show and shows stady temprement .
Norwegian Bearded Collie Club in Svelvik 2017 ;judge Karen Edwards
Bertrand ,very good
Beren ,very good
Billboa Line ;very good
Beate ;exc
International Show in Bergen; judge Annette Bystrup (DK)
Bertrand ; exc, ck, CAC ,CACIB and BOS
Beren ; 1 veteran ,exc,ck Best male nr 2
Beate ;exc, 1 ak
National Show in Varhaug 8-9 march 2017
Day 2 Judge ;Zorica Salijevic
Beren exc,ck best Veteran BOS
Maja exc,ck CAC and BOB
Baisen exc,ck CAC 2 nd best female
Day 1; Theo Leenen
Beren exc,ck best Veteran and BOB
Maja exc,ck CAC and BOS
Baisen ; VG
Norwegian Kenne Club in Kristiansand ,march ;judge Anne-Chaetrine Edoff
T-BOB's Bertrand ; 1auk,exc
T-BOB's Beate ;1ak exc
T-BOB's "Baisen" first show ;1 jk,exl,2jkk
Ølen Etne Vindafjord ; 11.02.2017 ;Judge Nina Karlsdotter
TBOB's Bertrand The FLyin Star ;BOB and BOG 1
T-BOB's Bettan Just Right ; Excl, 2 Best female
Lethohallen 21-22 januar ; Beylon og Beoncy
Judge ;Arne Foss ..Beylon,ck exc, Best Male
Beoncy Best,ck BOB veteran ,
Ølen Etne Vindafjord 12 februar judge Nina Karlsdotter ; Maya,Bertrand ,Beylon ,Natterjack Blue Bounty as veteran
NKK Bø ????
Nordhordland hundeklubb 25-26 februar judge Rune Fagerstrøm ; Bertrand ,Maya
Norwegian Kennel Club Kristiansand ; Bertrand ,Beate
Norwegian Kennel Club Bergen; Beylon, Beren, Bertrand, Beate,Maja,Beoncy
Blondi born 11.10.2023.